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The language is simple, interesting and specific to the subject, chemistry. We wish you success with the course and hope that you will fmd it both interesting and useful. What you will learn in this course This course is titled "foundation chemistry". It assumes that you had taken a chemistry course before but probably you did not make the grade you desired. So you are re-taking the course with the aim of doing better. There is no doubt therefore that you are familiar with the language of chemistry.

In this present course, you will be presented information in chemistry in a structured way to make learning easier. All the units follow the same pattern and so after the first few units, the rest will become easy to follow.

The whole range of senior school certificate examination SSCE syllabus has been covered in this course. Learning Outcomes-Aims and Objectives The broad aims of this foundation chemistry course can be summarised thus. The course aims to provide you with chemistry content that will be sufficient for you to have the equivalent of the SSCE.

Thus you will have solid foundation in chemistry which will enable you go into an advanced science course needing a background of chemistry. The objectives of this course are set out below.

On completion of the course, you should be able to: 1. Distinguish between chemistry and the other science subjects. Discuss the role of chemistry in our every day living. Apply the language of chemistry in describing the world around you. Carry out simple chemical calculations. Identify chemical process in what goes on in your environment.

Each study unit has a set of performance objectives along with other relevant learner guide. Introduction 33 6. Electron affinity 51 8.

The kinetic theory and change of state 72 Graham's, Avogadro's and Gay Lussac's Laws Monitoring the rates of Chemical reactions ' 3. Le chatelier's principle and pressure change 5. Le chatelier's principle and concentration change 5. Effect of catalyst on reversible reactions 5. Assignment of oxidation number 9. Objectives Definition and scope of organic chemistry 1.

Uniqueness of carbon atom Representation of organic molecules 1. Classification of organic compounds 1. Open-chain or aliphatic compounds 1. Many materials that we use everyday, directly or indirectly are products of chemical research and examples of useful products of chemical reactions are limitless.

What then is matter? Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space. Matter is classified into solid, liquid and gas. Glass, sand and most metals are examples of solids. Water and kerosene are examples of liquids. Air and cooking gas are examples of gases. The above classification is commonly referred to as physical classification. Matter can also be classified into elements, compounds and mixtures. This latter classification is referred to as chemical classification.

It is remarkable that all these substances, solids, liquids, gases, elements, compounds and mixtures are built up from simple basic units. What is the basic unit of matter? What are the building blocks of matter and what laws govern the interaction of matter?

The above are some of the questions that will be answered in this unit. A pure substance that can be broken down into elements is called a compound. There are over chemical elements. Some occur naturally as free elements, mixed with other elements or compounds. Some are very rare, while most occur in combined state in compounds. The table 1. Table 1. Examples of metals are copper and iron. The general characteristics of metals are lustre, good conductor of heat and electricity.

Metals can be rolled and hammered into sheets and drawn into wires. They are used for roofing and electrical cables respectively.

All metals are solids at room temperature except mercury which is a liquid at room temperature. About 75 percent of the elements are metals. Unlike metals, non metals do not have characteristic lustre. Many are gases at room temperature and others are solids except bromine which is a red brown liquid at room temperature.

Non metals are non-conductors of heat and electricity. They cannot be rolled into sheets or drawn into wires like the metals. Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and iodine are examples of non metals.

The properties of compounds are different from those of the elements from which they are formed. A lot of energy is often required to split compounds into the constituent elements. There are limitless number of compounds.

Sodium chloride, common salt , water and calcium trioxocarbonate iv , marble are examples of compounds. The composition of a mixture varies and the components are separated by physical methods. Such physical methods include, heating, cooling, dissolution, filtration and distillation.

Air and petroleum are examples of mixtures. For example both will rust when exposed to air and moisture and both will conduct heat and electricity. The atom is the smallest unit of an element that can take part in a chemical reaction. It is the smallest unit of the compound that can take part in a chemical reaction.

The atom is to the element as molecule is to the compound. The basic unit of matter in chemical reactions is the atom. Atoms and molecules are the building blocks of matter. A theory serves as a guide to new experiments. When proved incorrect or inadequate by experiment, a theory is discarded or modified so that new experimental facts can be accounted for.

This latter statement is true of Dalton's atomic theory. Dalton's atomic theory form the basis of theory of the atom. It has been modified in the light of new experimental facts about the atom.

This implies that the atom is divisible. The existence of atoms of the same element having different masses have been proved with the use of an instrument called mass spectrometer. Atoms of the same element having different masses are called isotopes. Irrespective of masses, atoms of the same element have same chemical properties. Evidences for this assertion came from results of experiments of early scientists like Faraday, Thompson and Millikan. The negatively charged particle in matter is the electron.

It has negligible mass. The proton is the positively charged particle. It carries the same magnitude of charge as the electron and is very much heavier than the electron.

The third particle is the neutron, a neutral particle with a mass approximately equal to that of the proton. These three particles are constituents of the atom except the hydrogen atoms that do not contain neutrons.

The number of each particle present in the atom varies from one element to another. For the atom matter to be electrically neutral, the number of protons must equal the number of electrons. Atoms of the same element will have the same number of protons and electrons but may have different numbers of neutrons. Such atoms will have different masses and are called isotopes. The measurement of masses of atoms is not possible because they are very small.

Their masses can however be compared to give relative atomic and molecular masses of elements and compounds. On this scale 1 atom of carbon isotope is given a mass of 12 atomic mass units. With the use of the mass spectrometer it has been possible to determine fairly accurately the relative atomic masses of elements.

The relative molecular mass of a compound is the sum of the relative atomic masses of the elements present in the chemical formula of the compound. A chemical equation uses these symbols and formulae to summarise a chemical reaction. Chemical symbols consist of the first one or two letters of the name of the element. Some symbols do not correspond with the elements names; these symbols are derived from the Latin names of the elements.

It is important that you know the symbols for as many of the common elements as possible. The Latin names for copper, lead and gold are in bracket. The formula of a compound gives the proportion of the different elements present in the compound by mass.

By the law of constant composition the proportion by mass of the different elements present is fixed for a pure sample of the compound irrespective of the method of preparations. Example 1. Having determined the relative atomic mass of the elements that make up the compound, you can proceed to determine the empirical formula of the compound. Since the relative masses of the elements in a compound depend partly on the masses of the atoms and also on the relative number of each atom of each element involved in the combination to form the compound.

Determine the formula of the compound. Now determine a formula of a compound of calcium, carbon and oxygen with 40 percent Ca, and 48 percent oxygen.

Two more laws will be discussed in this section. A consequence of this law is that a chemical equation must always be balanced to account for all atoms present on the reactant side, and on the product side of the reaction. CO and CO 2 or SO2 and S03 the masses of one element which react with a fixed mass of the other are in a ratio of small whole numbers. Show that this is in agreement with the law of multiple proportion.

For the 1st compound 1. Ratio of 0 mass combining with 1. In the reshuffling, one compound is converted to another. The smallest units that can take part in chemical reactions are the atoms and molecules.

A chemical equation is often used to summarise the reaction that has taken place. A chemical equation gives the reactants and products of the reaction and the quantities of the reactants and products in correct ratio in accordance with the law of conservation of matter.

Sometimes chemical equations give the physical states of the reactants and products. The elementary particles that form the basic units of elements and compounds in chemical reactions are atoms and molecules. Though atoms are composed of more fundamental particles, they are not split in chemical reactions. Dalton's atomic theory is the basis of modem atomic theory and explains satisfactorily the laws that govern chemical reactions of elements and compounds.

The atom has a substructure of its own. This is the subject of the next unit. They are neither created nor destroyed. A chemical equation must be balanced for the law of conservation energy to be satisfied.

Chemistry is a quantitative science and as such, amounts of matter used in reactions must be known. Calculate the relative atomic mass of chlorine element. Senior Chemistry Textbooks I and 2. Lagos Longman Publishers. Osei Yaw Ababio New School Chemistry. Onitsha Africana-Fep Publishers. Dalton's theory proposed that atoms are indivisible units of matter.

The atom is the smallest unit of matter that can take part in a chemical change. Dalton's atomic theory satisfactorily explained the laws of chemical combination but could not explain why substances react the way they do. Why is oxygen able to react with maximum of two atoms of hydrogen as in water? Why do some elements exist only as diatomic molecules? Why are some elements very reactive and some inert? Dalton's law could not explain electrolysis neither could it explain the different masses of atoms of the same element.

Today we believe that the atom has a substructure of its own. The atom consists of much smaller particles that we call protons, neutrons and electrons. The relative masses and charges of these particles are given in unit 1.

What are the evidences in support of this new picture of the atom? How many of these particles are present in the atom of elements? How are these particles arranged in the atom? These are some of the questions that will be answered in this unit.

This evidence was closely followed by the discharge tube experiment. A heated metal cathode emitted negatively charged particles. This beam of particles is called cathode rays and the particles are the electrons. Thompson worked on cathode rays and confirmed that they are negatively charged. Their charge mass ratio was determined and found to be —1. Millikan determined the electronic charge in his famous oil drop experiment in The charge of the electron is —1.

The mass of the electron was calculated. It is 9. The existence of positively charged particles was confirmed in a modified version of the set up used by J.

Thompson by another scientist by name Goldstein. The proton is about times as heavy as the electron and carry a charge equal but of opposite sign to that of the electron. Protons and electrons are present in all atoms.

The evidence of radioactivity by H. Becquerel further demonstrated the existence of subatomic particles. Becquerel observed that certain substances spontaneously emit radiations. The most important of these radiations are the alpha, beta and gamma radiations. Chadwick later confirmed the existence of a neutral particle in the atom and called this a neutron.

This neutron has a mass approximately equal to that of the proton. Table 2. The atomic number is the number of protons in an atom of the element and for a neutral atom, the atomic number is also the number of electrons. The sum of the number of protons and neutrons is the mass number. Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different mass numbers. We shall see in the subsequent units that the chemical property of an element depends on the number as well as the arrangement of the atomic electrons.

This explains why atoms of the same element with different masses have the same chemical properties. I2 C and 14c These are isotopes of carbon, mass number 12 and 14 and neutron numbers 6, 6 6 and8respctivly. It was necessary to propose a model for the atom. Thompson proposed that the atom could be viewed as positive matter in which electrons are uniformly distributed to make it neutral at every point. This view was dropped because of the findings of two other scientists, Rutherford and Marsden.

They bombarded a thin gold foil with fast moving alpha particles. They found that most of the alpha particles pass through the foil undeflected. Some were deflected as large angles while very few were sent back on their paths. Alpha particles are positively charged and many of them passing through the foil undeflected suggested that most of the gold foil was empty space.

He proposed that the atom consisted of a tiny positively charged nucleus. The nucleus is centrally placed in the atom and the electrons surround it. The very small number of deflections of alpha particles suggest that the nucleus occupies a very small portion of the atom. For heavy particles such as the alpha particle to be so deflected suggests that the nucleus is a centre of heavy mass and positive charge.

The protons and neutrons occupy the nucleus while the electrons are arranged around the nucleus and move in orbits around it, as planets around the sun. This is Rutherfords nuclear model of the atom. When a voltage is applied across electrodes that are sealed in a partially evacuated glass tube, the space between the electrodes glows.

This is not observed in practice. Intact energy absorption and emission by elements is discontinuous. Have you ever seen the rainbow in the sky? The colours you see range from violet to red with no sharp line separating one colour from the other. This is a continuous spread of colours and is called a continuous spectrum.

The different colours are component colours of light. In the laboratory the separation of light into its component colours also happens when light passes through a glass prism. Light from the vapour of an element does not give a continuous spectrum.

Each element has its own characteristic bright lines in particular positions. This is a line spectrum suggesting that light energy absorption or emissons by elements is only at particular energies characteristic of the element. On the basis of the above observations Niel's Bohr proposed a model for the atom in which electrons move round the nucleus only in allowed orbits numbered serially. The orbit closest to the nucleus is assigned number 1 and is the orbit of lowest energy.

Allowed transitions are transitions from one orbit to another and will lead to emission or absorption of the energy difference between the orbits. In the light of Bohr's model, there are electronic energy levels in atoms corresponding to different orbits of electron motion that are allowed. These energy levels are sometimes referred to as electron shells and designated K, L, M, N etc. Bohr's model gave satisfactory explanation of the hydrogen spectrum.

The theory is limited however in its explanation for multi electron atoms. The wave mechanical treatment of the atom overcomes this limitation of Bohr's theory and is the subject of a subsequent unit. N etc. When 8 electrons are accommodated into the M shell however, there is extra stability and the next 2 electrons go into the N shell. Subsequently any electron goes into the M shell until it contains the maximum of 18 electrons.

Study the above table and note the following a He and Ne; each has full shell of electrons and are both inert gases. These pair of elements with similar electron arrangements also have similar chemical properties.

Now give the electron arrangement for each of the following: Carbon 6 Phosphorus 15 and potassium 19 Which of the elements in the table will have similar chemical properties with phosphorus. Note Isotopes have the same number of electrons and therefore have the same electron arrangement.

Their chemical properties are the same. The proton number is not affected by ion formation but the electron number increases or decreases. This observation and the full shell arrangements for the inert gases, suggest that a full shell electron arrangement is a stable electron arrangement. This is supported by results of experimental investigations by early scientists. Three fundamental particles are present in the atom. The positive charge and mass are in a small centre of the atom.

This centre is the nucleus and is surrounded by electrons moving round in allowed orbits of fixed energy. Electron assignment to these energy levels show that elements with similar properties have similar electron arrangement.

The noble inert elements have closed shell electron arrangement suggesting that a closed shell arrangement of electrons is a stable configuration. This observation is used to explain chemical bonding. Some of these evidences are revealed and discussed in this unit. This model was modified by Bohr who proposed electronic energy levels, sometimes referred to as electronic shells around the nucleus. Stable ions also have closed shell electron arrangement.

The atomic numbers are in brackets Be 4 Mg 12 K 19 Si 14 and Cl 17 b Which of the listed elements in a above are likely to: i be metals. Senior Secondary Chemistry Textbook 2. Longman Publishers. Osei Yaw Ababio. Africana-FEP Publishers. The number of positive charges in the nucleus of a neutral atom determines the number of electrons that surround the nucleus.

The arrangement of the electrons around the nucleus determines the chemical properties of the element.

Presently there is no theory that predicts the stability of the nucleus but a number of empirical observations suggest that the presence of neutrons account partly for nuclear stability. Except for the hydrogen atom, all nuclei contain neutrons. As the proton number increases, the neutron number also increases.

For heavy elements the neutron number far exceeds the proton number in the nucleus. Can nuclei react? What happens when a nucleus is unstable?

Can a stable nucleus be made unstable? These are some of the questions to be answered in this unit. According to Rutherford the nucleus is about 11I00, times the size of the atom. Except for hydrogen all elements have more than one proton in their nuclei.

From your knowledge of elementary magnesium in Physics, you learnt that like charges repel each other whereas unlike charges attract each other. As mentioned in the introduction, no theory predicts nuclear stability. Empirical observations suggest that neutrons are partly responsible for nuclear stability.

Table 3. Contrary to the postulate of Dalton, an element is destroyed and a new one is created, when a radioactive element like uranium disintegrates. Like in simple chemical reactions symbols are used to summarise the nuclear reaction in an equaiton. A nuclear reaction equation must be balanced to account for all particles and charge. It breaks down emitting particles of Thorium and Helium.

This is called radioactivity and is an example of a nuclear reaciton. Very heavy metals with atomic number greater than 83 are radioactive. Some isotopes of light elements are also radioactive. A radioactive isotope is called a radioisotope. Examples of radioisotopes are 14 92U and 6 Radioisotopes decay at different rates. The half-life is a measure of the stability of a radioisotope.

They are very stable compared to 21 3i Na and 84 p0 half lives of 60 seconds and microseconds respectively. Some stable isotopes of elements can be made radioactive. It helps to keep 14r, activity constant in the atmosphere.

These radiations are mainly of three types. Decay of light radio isotopes is usually accompanied by one or at most two of the three radiations. Nuclear fusion reactions require very high temperatures.

The energy from a fusion reaction initiates more reactions. If not controlled, can lead to explosion. The reaction releases three neutrons which If the chain reaction is not can initiate more fission reactions. This is an example of a chain reaction. The energy from fission reactions are not as high as in fusion and the reactions in fission do not require very high temperatures to initiate. There are fission reactors used in generating electricity. Nuclear transformation implies changing one element to another by the reactions of atomic nuclei.

These reactions are many. Many isotopes of elements have been prepared by this method and used in chemical, biological and medical researches.

Some heavy elements have been produced by the radioactive action of alpha particles, i. Helium atom. This is one use gamma radiaiton is put into. F-radiation also destroys healthy cells as well and too much exposure to it can do more harm than good. The extent of damage depends on the energy and type of radiation.

The effect of radiation is also cumulative and small doses over a long period of time will also cause serious damage to biological systems. Radioactive waste is very dangerous and must be disposed properly to avoid necessary exposure to its hazards.

Nuclear reactions unlike chemical reactions which involve valence electrons, nuclear reactions involve protons and neutrons. Nuclear reactions are much more exothermic than chemical reactions. Many atomic nuclei are unstable. Some occur naturally and some are man-made. Unstable nuclei emit radiations with characteristic properties. The emitted radiations find application in various fields of human endeavour but also pose danger to users and non users alike. Radioactive waste must be properly disposed to avoid unwanted effects.

Radioactive materials must always be handled with care. The radiations have properties that make them detectable. Osei Yaw Ababio, The forces that hold atoms together in compounds are called chemical bonds. The combination of chemical elements to give a compound is a chemical reaction. Some elements are very reactive and exist in nature only in combined states, e.

Few elements are relatively imreactive and exit rarely as free elements. They are called noble or rare elements, e. Most elements have intermediate reactivity and exist as free elements as well as in chemical compounds e. There are some non metallic elements that exist only as diatomic molecules in the free state.

These elements also occur in combined states. In the previous unit, you were shown that arrangement of electrons in atoms showed some correlation between electron arrangement and properties. Li 2, 1 , Na 2,8,1 , K 2,8,8,1 all have similar configuration with one electron each in their outermost shell. They are metals. F 2,7 and C1 2,8,7 all need one electron to complete their outermost electron shell. They are non-metals. The inert or noble elements He 2 , Ne 2,8 , Ar 2,8,8 all have complete shell arrangement of electrons.

The electron arrangement in stable ions of metals and non metals also show that complete shell of electrons is a stable configuration e. In chemical bonding therefore elements tend to attain the noble or inert gas configuration. The outermost shell electron arrangement is therefore very important in determining the type of bond.

Electrovalent bonding involves electron transfer from the valence shell of one atom to the valence shell of the other. One atom loses electrons to become positively charged and the other gains electrons to become negatively charged.

The positively and negatively charged ions are called cations and anions respectively. The ionic bond results from the attraction between these oppositely charged ions This type of bonding is usually between metals and non-metals.

F: The formula of LiF written as above is the electron dot formula Lewis structure. The brackets around the fluorine are intended to show that all eight electrons are the exclusive property of the fluoride ion F.

Mother example is the bond between sodium and chlorine. Except for helium, He 2 the inert gas configuration corresponds to eight electrons in the outershell. The electronic theory of valency as postulated by Kossel and Lewis was prompted by the remarkable stability of the rare gas elements. This stability is associated with the presence in the atoms of a group of eight electrons in the outer shell.

This completeness appears to be the source of stability in rare gases. The tendency for atoms to have eight electrons in their outermost shell is explained by the octet rule.

Note that the rule does not always hold In cases like these, other stable configurations explain ion stability. The number of bonds to a particular atom depends on the number of electrons gained or lost to attain stable configurations for example. Write the formula of the compound. Ionic compounds are usually solid a its: sting of regular arrangement of equal number of positive and negative charges. For Lif and NaCI there will oe equal numbers of cations and anions.

This regular arrangement of cations and anions in the solid crystal is called the lattice. The structure of sodium chloride is illustrated in the Fig 4. It is easier to explain the binding forces in the union between sodium ion and chloride ion, in the formation of sodium chloride since their opposite ionic charges attract each other.

Its however difficult to comprehend the manner of bondage between non ionic or non polar atoms. Its however difficult to comprehend the manner of bonding between non ionic or non polar atoms. Lewis, , came up with a tenable explanation, suggesting that non ionic molecular compounds arise from the sharing of electrons among atoms, resulting in a form of bonding which was called the covalent bond.

This type of bonding involves sharing of electron pairs rather than complete transfer. The binding force results from the attraction of the shared electron pairs by the nuclei of the atoms involved in the bonding.

Look at the following examples. The number of electron pairs shared depend on the number of electrons each atom must share to attain an inert gas configuration. Covalent compounds form molecules and depending on the intermolecular forces between the molecules they may be gas 02, H2 HCI or liquids Br2 H2 0 or low boiling solids candle wax.

HCI 4. This is not the case with co-ordinate covalent bond. The electron Pair is attracted by both nuclei of the bonded atoms.

Lone pairs are electron pairs that are not used in bonding to other atoms The other atom must have a vacancy in its valence shell to accept the lone pair. The bond formation also results in inert gas configuration for both atoms.

Co-ordinate covalent bonding is common with metal complexes. The molecules donating the electron pairs are called ligands and the metal ion the central atom. The formation of the ammonia complex with copper ions in solution.

It is a complex ion and has charges located on a group of atom. Electrovalent compounds consist of cations and anions in their solid structure When an ionic solid dissolves in water or is melted, these ions become free. This explains why ionic compounds are good electrolytes when molten or in solution.

Most covalent compounds are gases at room temperature because they consist of molecules held together by weak intermolecular forces.

Dative bonding is an important type of bonding that helps to explain the structure and properties of additive compounds and complex ions. Water and ammonia have lone electron pairs and take part in dative bonding with the hydrogen ion. Dative bonding is a special type of covalent bonding. Senioir Secondary Chemistry Textbook 1, Lagos. Each bond type gives charabteristic properties to the compounds that are formed.

In a previous unit we discussed electrovalent and covalent bonding. While electrovalent bonding is between metals and non metals, covalent bonding is between non-metals. In the formation of electrovalent and covalent bonds valence electrons play very important roles and each valence shell of the bonded atoms attain inert gas stable configuration.

For metal- metal bond, the valence electrons are so few that electron sharing to attain electron octet is not possible. Electrovalent bonds cannot be formed as metals tend to lose electrons and not accept them. A negatively charged metal ion is not possible.

How then do we explain bonding in metallic solids? How can we explain the fact that ntendlic solids are good conductors of heat and electricity? What major differences are there in the structures-of ionic and metallic solids? The above questions will be answered in this unit. We shall also explain the origin of intermolecular forces that hold covalent molecules together in the bulk sample and account for their special properties. The above explanation of metallic bonding implies that the lattice forms a single large crystal.

This accounts for the high strength of metals. There is no direction to metallic bond and so the metallic lattice can be distorted easily by hammering and drawing. Metals are malleable and ductile. The free moving electrons conduct heat and electricity by their movement. The strength of the metallic bond depends on the attraction of the electron cloud to the positive cores in the metal lattice. The metallic bond strength increases with the number of valence electrons each metal contribute into the electron 'cloud'.

Take the example of Mg 2, 8, 2 2p6 Na 2, 8, 1 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s' Sodium is a softer metal than magnesium because for sodium only one valence electron per atom but for magnesium two electrons are donated per atom to the electron cloud.

Following the above argument compare the strength of the metallic bonding in magnesium with that in aluminium For metals in the same group of the periodic table, metallic strength decreases down the group. The increase in atomic size down the group is not accompanied by any increase in electron cloud strength.

This listed properties of metals are explained by the metallic bonding just explained. Table 5. In addition to these bonds there are other weaker attractive forces that exist between atoms and molecules.

The existence of these weak attractive forces explains a number of physical properties of some compounds. Because these forces are usually between molecules they are called intermolecular forces. For example Van der Waal's forces, dipole-dipole attractions and hydrogen bonding.

A non polar molecule is one in which the electron pair for bonding is equally shared by the atoms involved in the bond formation. Examples of non polar molecules are N2 , C12 , H2 , 02 etc i. Non polar bond may also exist between unlike atoms if they have the same electronegativity. For exam!

The movement of electrons around an atom can lead to a momentary shift of more electrons to one side of the molecule than the other. During this shift an imbalance in charge exists with one side of the molecule slightly positive and the other slightly negative. The positive end will attract the negative end of another molecule close to it. This attraction constitute a bond.

This attractive force may be strong but because it is for a short time its effect is generally very small. The magnitude of this force increases with increasing number of electrons This force is present between all molecules atoms and ions. Its effect can be very large when there are many electrons in the molecules or atoms.

Take the case of the halogens Group VII elements fluorine, chlorine are gases, bromine is a liquid while iodine is a solid. Remember all of them exist as diatomic molecules and are only bonded together by van der waal forces, Van der Waal's forces are attractions between molecules which happen because of creation of temporary dipoles in all molecules. The very large number of electrons in bromine and Iodine allows for substantial cohesive force between bromine and iodine molecules making bromine liquid and iodine solid at room temperature.

Van der Waal's forces is sometimes called induced dipole- induced dipole attraction. The shared electron pair will be more under the control of the more electronegative atom. Take the example of HCI. Chlorine is more electronegative than hydrogen. The shared pair of electron is controlled more by Chlorine. The chlorine end of the molecule will be slightly negative and the hydrogen end slightly positive e.

This is dipole-dipole attraction. Though dipole-dipole interactions are not as substantial as full ion-ion interactions, they are stronger than Van der Waal's forces. The table 5. Dipole interactions are only about one percent as strong as covalent and ionic bonds. In combination with these small electronegative elements, hydrogen carries a substantial positive charge. The attraction of this positive end with the negative end of another molecule will constitute a strong bond.

This bond is the hydrogen bond. Hydrogen bond is about 5 to 10 times stronger than ordinary dipole-dipole interaction. It is not as strong as ordinary covalent bonds between atoms in a compound. Hydrogen bonding is responsible for water being a liquid at room temperature rather than a gas.

Hydrogen bonding explains the high boiling point of water compared to hydrogen sulphide see table 5. Hydrogen bonding explains why hydrofluoric acid is a weaker acid than hydrochloric acid. No wonder the number of compounds are limitless. In this unit the types of bonding discussed are interatomic and intermolecular bonding. The metallic bonding is one of the major types of interatomic bonding and it explains very well the observed properties of metallic solids.

Weak bonding exists between molecules, atoms and ions as a result of instantaneous shift in electron distribution around atoms in compounds. This weak bonding can be substantial leading to solid structure of covalent compounds at room temperature. Covalent bonding between unlike atoms will always lead to unequal share of bond electrons. Attraction between polar ends of molecules also account for the cohesive force between polar molecules, when the polar bond is between hydrogen and small electronegative elements.

The cohesive energy of the dipole-dipole interaction can be very substantial. This may lead to abnormal behaviour of such compounds. It explains why water is a liquid instead of a gas at room temperature. Senior Secondary Chemistry Textbook 2 Lagos. New School Chemistry Onitsha. Africana FEP Publishers. Recall that atoms are built of particles of three kinds: protons, neutrons and electrons.

The nucleus of each atom is made of protons and neutrons. The number of protons the atomic number determines the electric charge of the nucleus, and the total number of protons and neutrons the mass number determines its mass.

In a neutral atom the number of electrons surrounding the nucleus is equal to the atomic number. The chemical and physical properties of an element are governed by the number and arrangement of the electrons Several attempts have been made since to group elements together based on recurring properties such as atomic weight.

The most important step in the development of the periodic table was published in by Dmitri Mendelyeev, who made a thorough study of the relation between the atomic weights of the elements and their physical and chemical properties.

The word periodic means recur at regular interval. The initial arrangement has now been largely replaced following new knowledge about electronic structure of atoms. The present periodic table is based on the recurrence of characteristic properties when elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number.

In other words, the properties of the elements are the periodic function of their atomic number. When elements are systematically arranged in order of increasing atomic number, certain characteristics recur at regular intervals.

The periodic table shows the arrangement of elements in seven horizontal rows and eight vertical columns as shown in table 6. The horizontal rows of the periodic table consist of a very short period containing hydrogen and helium, atomic number 1 and 2 , two short periods of 8 elements each, two long periods of 18 elements each, a very long period of 32 elements, and an incomplete period.

The elements in the period have the same number of shells and the number of valence electrons increases progressively by one across the period from left to right. For all members of the period the additional electron is added to the second shell hence the name period 2. In general, every period starts with an element containing one electron in its outermost shell e. Li, Na, K and ends with an element whose outermost shell is completely filled e.

He, Ne, Ar - the noble or inert elements. The properties of elements change in a systematic way through a period. For example the first members of each period are all light metals that are reactive chemically, and this metallic character decrease across the periods which ends with unreactive inert gases.

The elements that appear in a vertical column belong to the same group or family. They have the same number of outer electrons or valence electrons and have closely related physical and chemical properties. The central elements of the long periods, called the representative elements have properties differing from those of the elements of the short periods.

They are unstable and short-lived. Period 1 elements have one electron shell K ; period 2 elements have two electron shells K,L ; period 3 elements have three electron shells K,L,M ; etc. The number of valence electrons in the atoms of the elements in the same period increase progressively by one from left to right.

Across a given period, there is a progressive change in chemical properties. For example, metallic properties decrease across the period while non-metallic characteristics increases.

The first three members of any period Groups 1 to 3 , except period 1 are metals while those of Group 4 to 7 and 0 are non-metallic in behaviour.

Using period 3 as an illustration, sodium, magnesium and aluminium are metallic and form mainly ionic compounds and basic oxides. To the right of the period, phosphorus, sulphur and chlorine are non-metallic and form mainly covalent compounds and acidic oxides. Hydrogen is placed in group IA for convenience only because of the single electron but does not have similar characteristic with other members of the group.

They react by losing this valence electron to form ionic or electrovalent bonds. The alkali metals are excellent conductors of electricity because the valence electrons are mobile. Because of their reactivity especially with water, the metals must be kept in an inert atmosphere or under oil. Sodium metal catches fire when in contact with water, so avoid dropping it in the sink in the laboratory The metals are useful chemical reagents in the laboratory, and they find industrial use in the manufacture of organic chemicals, dyestuffs and tetraethyl lead the anti-knock agent in gasoline.

Sodium is used in sodium - vapour lamps, and because of its high heat conductivity, in the stems of valves of airplane engines, to conduct heat away from the valve head. They have two electrons in their outermost shell and react essentially by forming divalent ionic bonds.

Members of the group are trivalent since each of its atoms has three valence electrons and forms electrovalent compounds. The oxide and hydroxide of aluminium are amphoteric - they have both acidic and basic properties. Their atoms each has four valence electrons and tend to form covalent compounds.

Carbon is a non-metal, silicon and germanium are metalloids while tin and lead are metals showing a gradation from non-metallic to metallic character on going down the group. The compounds of carbon and hydrogen called hydrocarbons form a large class of organic compounds used as fuels e. Their atoms each has five valence electrons and show two common valence of 3 and 5.

Both of them are non-metals. They are electron acceptors in their reactions and form several oxides e. They are electron acceptors and are oxidising agents e.

They are commonly called halogens. They are all non-metals and highly reactive. The halogens show great similarity in their properties e. Group 0: Helium He , Neon Ne , Argon Ar , are the familiar members of this group which are commonly referred to as rare gases or noble gases. They have no bonding electrons because the outermost shell is completely filled hence the group name zero.

Members of the group exhibit similar properties which are different from those of the halogens that come before them and alkali metals that come after them. This is a confirmation that the end of a period has been reached. All the transition elements have the following characteristics. You should have learned that when elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, certain properties recur at regular intervals. Furthermore, you should have learned that the periodic table of elements serve to justify the trend of behaviour exhibited by elements.

It has served to introduce you to the periodic Table. The units that follow shall use the atomic orbital model to further justify the classification and explain the gradation of properties of elements based on the periodic table.

You have learned in unit 2 about the contributions of Rutherford and Bohr to atomic structure in order to obtain a model of the atom. Their contributions went a long way to explain some of the observation about the atom. The Rutherford's model of an atom as consisting of a central positively charged nucleus and the negatively charged electrons some distance away from the nucleus, is still acceptable. However, classical electromagnetic theory denies the possibility of any stable electron orbits around the nucleus.

In Bohr's model of the atom, the electron was restricted to being found in a definite regions i. In the Wave Mechanics Model, however, there is a slight chance that the electron may be located at distances other than in the restricted orbits.

Despite this, we still accept Bohr's scheme for quantisation of energy in the atom and that the lowest energy level of the atom is the most stable state. Although Bohr's contribution was remarkable, particularly his quantisation of energy, theory to explain the spectral lines for hydrogen atom; it has the following limitations: a The Bohr model failed to account for the frequencies of the spectral lines for complex atoms other than hydrogen.

The present day picture of the atom is based on wave mechanical or quantum mechanical treatment. The treatment reflects on the wave-nature of the electron and the quantisation of energy in the atom.

Although these treatments are fundamentally mathematical in nature, it describes the electron as point charge and that the density of the cloud at a specified point gives only the probability of finding electrons at that point. We shall look at how this new thinking will help our understanding of the atom and the observed relation between electronic arrangement in atoms and the chemical behaviour of elements.

It is powerful build for workstation and a decent one for gaming. The M. I have something in my mind to change for a few hundred more dollars , can you recommend a motherboard and Graphic card with better specs than those in the list if I buy this processor instead:. Your recommendation can be up to more dollars for Graphic card and up to more dollars for motherboard.

The best graphics card that you can have at dollars is Radeon RX only. Is this change something you would recommend for me, or should I stick with my original build that I wrote? No problem! Oh sorry.. I misread it as RX I would like to ask for help, Im in need of upgrade for Adobe apps purposes premiere, photoshop, etc.. Here are my specs:. Would that be compatible with my motherboard and CPU?

I currently dont know the brand and speed of the memory, but probably its Kingston, this is because the unit im trying to upgrade is for my co-worker, our Graphic Artist. Anyways, cant I make it double? The same recommendation that I have suggest earlier. Yes the card is compatible as long as you have a PCIe x16 slot. Hi Akshat First , Thanks a lot for all these very clear and usefull technical documentation.

I use Adobe Premier Pro cc for only family video edition. I am not a gamer and i dont do editing video often and i have a limited budget. Do you thing if i install Nvdia GTX graphics i would be more « confortable »?

For bucks, GTX is a good choice. Many thanks. It is better if i can wait? Hi Akshat, Finding information about video cards outside of their abilities to play games is difficult which is why I like this site.

I am looking for a card that can provide true 10 bit color depth driver support and 4k resolution to get the best out of this monitor possible. I have been looking at super, super, but your advice is I can get by with less. If so, what can you recommend that will meet these specific needs.

Thank you in advance for your assistance. Do you think gtx 8GB will enough? I think I need more horse power on CPU side and good amount of memory. This card will be also good for 8k editing? What is your opinion? Best Regards, Michal. Hi Akshat, thanks for sharing the info and a great article. I currently have a lenovo x1 carbon 5th Gen with iU.

I would like to run video editing by adding an eGPU also for future updates! Are you aware of any issue with this setup? Eventually could you suggest something else? Thanks a lot for your assistance. For eGPU, you need to have Thunderbolt 3 port which your laptop seems to have. I think it is a pretty good setup for p projects and can cope up with some 4K ones too.

Hi Akshat, Need your advise.. I am looking to buy a laptop for editing videos and have shortlisted an alienware laptop. Hi Akshat First , thanks a lot for all these very clear and usefull technical documentation.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this request. Thank you very much Akshat!! For productivity Threadripper X is slightly better than Ryzen X but in gaming and single core performance X is better. It is unfortunate that X is running out of stock because it is great processor for both gaming and workstation , has lower power consumption and is built on the new 7nm process.

Fully support all Adobe cc programs. I think the GPU and Monitor do not support bit color. Yes this build can render up 4k and will support Abode CC programs. I am sorry there is no budget workaround as bit hardware GPU, Monitor is on the expensive side. Would that fix my problem.

I know this is a bit old model. But I am in a kinda tight budget. Would you please read this article by nividia. And possibly pick the best budget card for 4k rendering and 10bit display based of this article. Hello akshat, your knowledge is awesome, Really. I think now I have arrived to a right platform. You are the only person I found whose words cleared that pc configuration for video editing and gaming differs. Pls suggest me a pc build for editing 4K and RAW video of up to hrs in timeline.

Thanks in advance. Thanks for the appreciation. Can you please specify me your budget for the PC including monitor. I m not interested in gaming at all.

Softwares I will be using are Adobe premiere, after effects, photoshop, davinci resolve, fusion, maya as well. Hello Akshat, Amazing article, love what you do. I have the following build if you have time to check it and give me some help. My Graphics card has failed, it keeps turning off my screens, I have proved this by connecting to my motherboard card. What graphics card do you recommend? I am doing mainly p video editing with some 4k Editing, no gaming.

Do I need to update elsewhere, memory? For p video editing and basic 4K editing, GTX is enough. Also, I suggest you to increase your RAM to 16GB for better overall performance, especially in video editing and workstation tasks.

I know RAM may not be your field, is there something you recommend or get the same? You can go for some other brand too in MHz, such as Kingston or Hynix. Thanks for all your help. Just to test the system and benchmark it do you recommend a software? Can you help me in this: I have a Ryzen 7 x, and I want to upgrade my graphics card. I edit 4k footage on Premiere CC. Hi, i am using MacBook pro and planning to upgrade. I am using davinci resolve mainly for FHD video, will do 4k in the future just for hobby and no gaming.

I have few options to choose to purchase and hope you could give me some ideas. All of them come with the same Core iH processor, so there is no point discussing that. Clearly, Gigabyte Aero 15 has got the best display, which is very important in video editing tasks. Also, the GTX Ti card is enough for p editing and will not face issues with basic to mod-level 4K editing.

So, I think going with Gigabyte Aero 15 makes more sense because of its better display and it packs all the power that you need.

Thanks for your super quick reply. On the other side, how do u think about this iMac : 3. Better to have 16GB for 4K editing. Hello again! Thank you for your attention! Hi, sorry, I have another question.

For sure the 9th is newer. Thanks again!!! Both are basically the same CPUs. You have to use reference or founders edition card with it. Hello Akshat, Thank you for your prompt response. I was about to purchase this card. I checked with Dell today and they confirmed that it will fit in the AGA.

May i ask your view why do you think that it will not fit in the AGA. Secondly, please recommend some latest cards that i can buy and use it for 4K video editing and 4K gaming on my PC. Thank you again. Do you recommend this card for AGA? Secondly, any feedback on this card. As I have said before, the card is good but I think it will not fit in the Alienware Graphics Amplifier. Now, the choice is yours. Hi, I understand that Nvidia cards have better performance with Adobe Premiere.

But, what happens if we compare a rx vs ti? RX is clearly a faster card and has more memory 8GB version and higher bus width bit , and will likely perform better than the GTX Ti. This is a nice article! My first and foremost question is: Which are the most important PC parts we need to to boost or speed up video editing and rendering? Thanks for quick response. Are there any cards beside these four components to speed up?

For example, motherboard or other etc. The last one question: how to check those 4 components are compatible each other? No these are the major components. To find compatibility, you have to look into the specifications. It is great for 4K video editing. The graphics card is a bit of overkill for video editing but not for gaming.

Hello Sir, I would like to build a good budget that can handle these softwares without lagging: video editing: p, little bit of 4k. I dont have much money to buy a high end GPU card. Hello sir, Really helpful and informative article.

I do effects heavy editing most of the time. Mostly for photo editing but will occasionally be video editing in 4k one has GeForce 6BG and the other a Nvidia P 6GB would one be better than the other thanks.

Then I think better go with the Core i7 H because it is a much better processor and it matters more in such tasks. Also, Quadro P would still be sufficient. Unfortunately i know little, so after weeks of searching i came up with this scheme: 7 x asus tuf gaming x plus wifi gigabyte geforce gtx oc 6g corsair vengeance lpx dimm 16gb — Samsung Evo Plus NVMe M.

Looks good and all parts are compatible with each other. This is quiet a powerful PC for video editing up to 4K and will serve you well. Works perfectly well! Thank you very much mate! Almost forgot..

Are they compatible with the gigabyte geforce gtx oc 6g? Is there a problem with 4k or should i go for p? Also, they will work fine with the gigabyte geforce gtx oc 6g at 4K. Your current recommendations for future-proof laptops for 10 bit 4k video editing? Hope you are doing well. I went through your article and comments section. You are too good in this topic.

So, I need your help. I talked with different people and got different opinions regarding Video Editing PC. The result is not concluded. Previously in our office, we used Power Mac G5 but its not used it right now. Adobe Premier Pro, After Effects will be used in that setup.

Please recommend me which one is good for that? Budget would be USD within would be good but if need more budget then go till Another question which would be better for video editing, workstation or modified PC. A workstation grade PC with workstation processor and graphics card will cost you way more.

Nowadays, you can get great performance with a standard custom built PC with consumer level components in much lesser budget. Here is the configuration for your needs:. This is a powerful PC for 4K video editing and for gaming as well. Thanks for your reply and sorry for my late reply as I was looking for those products which were advised by you.

I got all products except 2. One, motherboard and graphics card. So, what you would suggest me in this matter? Rx 4gb is batter then gtx 4gb same price range when it comes to gaming.. I am so confused.. I want to buy a graphic card today.. For Aftereffect and gaming.. I have a tight budget for graphic card… And Under rs. Well, if you want an overall package for both gaming and professional applications then it is better to go for the RX Yes I have already decided to go for rx I hope it ll renders faster then gtx ti in after effect cc I am editing on an iMac running on 4.

I do have a thunderbolt 3 available so I am wanting to run egpu tb3 and am looking at the radeon graphics card because I know it will work. Will this be enough for editing 4K60 clips? Appreciate advice and feedback. Out of the two, which one do you prefer?

Sorry, last question LOL. Which one would you prefer working with Adobe premiere CC. Hello, now I have k 32gb ram and gtx Ti 3gb, which should be next graphic card for 4k edit in Premiere pro and AE? Should I change procesor also or only card to feel more performance? Should I feel significant speed up? What graphic card would you recommend with this set up? Yes it is good for 4K video editing. I am planning a build in the next two weeks.

It will be for general use, a lot of multitasking, and some Adobe photo, video, and audio editing. I would like to stay with Intel, and my budget is — USD at the moment. Ik — Might OC to 5. I want to build strong now for future proofing. The only thing I went light on was the video card, in order to keep the budget down. So, what do you think? Anything I am overlooking anything? Your thoughts on Aorus vs Hero?

Thoughts on cooling? Would you say mm with lower fan speeds or mm with more surface area? And thoughts on the video card? Will the Ti meet my needs with regards to editing, even at 4k?

Lastly, I feel partial to Samsung for storage. I got two 1 TB drives instead of a 2 TB because it was cheaper that way. I prefer to use M. But if I add more storage later I will go with the Per your advice, I will research the Super. I think I can accommodate that in my budget. But just to be sure, do you think that is the sweet spot?

Or would moving up just be unnecessary? As for the Mobo, thank you for confirming about the VRM. Did you prefer the Ultra to the Master? And for cooling, I will definitely research the CLC you mentioned. Sounds good. Still confused if a mm would be any better.

Hopefully that will help with temps also. For motherboard, I would stay with Ultra. Yes Noctua fans are great as they deliver great performance remain quiet too. We can expect the drop in price of K especially with the recent launch of Ryzen 9 X and also because of upcoming 10th gen Intel processors.

Hi, I want to know which one would be better between gtx ti and gtx for 4k video rendering? Please guide me for the same. That was a really quick reply. But above you have mentioned ti is better. If you could elabborate a bit, it would be really helpful. I am confused between following 2 laptops: Acer Nitro 7 — H Base clock speed — 2. Acer Nitro 5- H Base clock speed — 2. Between these two laptops, better go with one with Core i5 H.

I have the same processor Core i5 H in my laptop and its performance is really good but it does heat up a bit faster. Thank You Akshat for such a quick response. Really appreciate your efforts. Great blog out there. Hi Akshat, nice too see that you are helping people! So, i have also a question about graphic Card.

I will buy new desktop for video editing. Sometimes i read that rtx is a problem in Adobe premiere pro…. What do you think of the setup? Greetings Dominiek. I think GTX Ti should be enough for your setup.

It is as fast as the RTX and costs less. I have problems starting Windows 10 Proffesional 64bit and I suspect the problem is the gaphic card. I have ASUS. I would like to upgrade to a similar one but with x2 HDMI output. It should be enough for p video editing and basic 4K video editing. Yes it is a very good card.

It is quiet and has a great cooler that keeps the temperature well within limit. Thanks a lot. But i want to confirm that gtx ti is not enough for 4k -8bit. Can you confirm? I would like to buy a laptop for youtube channel video editing. Can you suggest the best configuration or best budget model? As I am a beginner to this field, I am looking for something in the range 30K — 40K if possible. Ofcourse, the machine should be good enough to handle video processing. To get a decent machine, you need to expand your budget to up to 50K at least.

Are you OK with it? You can get it at under 50K INR. Hi, thanks for the article. I have tried with with Premiere 18, 19 and Updated, removed and installed GPU drivers. I even tried a Gefore ti 4gb card to see the same performance. Hi Akshat, Thank you for making such an informative page. I would like your expertise, please. I just bought my first laptop after a break for 3 years. I previously used MacBooks. I am looking for a machine which will be fast and efficient for me to use for writing and web design but also for more intensive tasks such as editing photos and also videos including 4K footage from my drone and other camera.

Is this one good enough for what I need? This is a pretty good configuration for the price. The Core iH processor is great for productivity and gaming and can handle heavy duty intensive tasks comfortably. The graphics card is a bit on the mainstream side but is powerful enough for p editing and basic to mid level 4K editing unless you use softwares like davinci resolve that requires a GPU with 8GB VRAM for 4K editing.

So, I think this laptop is sufficient for you and the only thing to upgrade is the RAM only. Ok Akshat, thank you for the advice.

I could do 2 x 16GB with the money saved from not spending this on a same model laptop with a higher GPU. Cheers Akshat! I think it is a pretty good setup and will serve you good for video editing, gaming and in other productivity tasks. My price tag is getting high and I still need a monitor. What do you recommend for a graphics card as I was recommended the eVGA super xc but I would rather save some money towards a decent monitor.

I would also like to use the computer for some gaming from time to time but the main focus is on the video editing aspect and being able to easily edit 4K video and possibly higher resolution in the future. Why do you want to update the BIOS. It is a fairly simple process using a USB drive. R5 2. Graphic card is where im confusing the most will rx or ? PSU Corsair 5. Mobo b with updated bios will this build will serve me for years? It is a decent configuration and can serve you up to 5 years.

Do you think the RTX will be good enough for 4K video editing? Is it worth upgrading to the RTX ? The RTX is outside my budget. I have 6gb ddr5 zotac gtx in desktop with 16gb ram, core i5 and 5tb hard and my work requires me to travel so i m looking for a laptop that can handle atleast 4k editing at 60 fps for videos of long durations as in like hours long 4 k footage.

What Core i5 processor is this? Trying to decide which video card. Probably no gaming, but only if I did. Mostly content creation, general editing, and heavy multitasking.

Do you feel a Super would be more appropriate for my needs? Would it have enough Cuda Cores for any editing I do even at 4K, light gaming, and be somewhat future-proof? And which Super would you recommend? Considering my processor, is it worth it or can I get a Vega 64 instead? I think you should get the RX XT but the one with original reference design because some custom cards may have problem fitting in the Razor Core X. I definitely heard you. Talked today with an AMD guy and he confirmed what the website said.

And it seems to work great with the MBPs. Thank you very much for your time and this page! What GPU would you suggest to buy for better performance: 1. Regarding the config, it is quite good. I would primarily be doing editing maybe 4K in the future. Please recommend. By the way thanks for such a fantastic article.

Hardly any other article on the net from a video editing perspective. Keep up the good work. The thing is that the GTX Ti is a faster and more efficient card here. I think GTX Ti is a better choice overall. I am looking for building a video editing PC. I found your Site here. Excuse me my english please. One Question please. I want to make a long movie a one and half hour… or a little bit longer , some effects, Color graiding etc.

I have a Razor Core X Egpu. Now I want to by me a graphic Card. For 4k Editing. I hope you unterstand what I mean? My Film footage is 4k… so I can better work with zoom in or so. And in the Post Production I only need a lower resolution. I only want a good workflow. Without stop effects in the Playback. Thats is all I need. Thank you very much if you can help me for a decision.

Hey Akshat, first and foremost let me thank you for helping folks who are seeking your advice regarding the selection of a nice GPU card. Will this be fine for my work flow? You can do some basic 4K video editing depending on the software you are using. For adobe premiere pro it is better to go for a nvidia graphics card gtx or higher. RXX may not work that well.

The GTX cards dont appear to be such good value? So I think both the RX and RX will fit but I will also have to buy a better power supply and pay someone to fit it. Hitfilm is my first editing software as it was free and use it to edit GoPro 7 Hero footage as a hobby but may change in the future.

I mainly shoot in 2k. It should be enough for your needs. Akshat, You rock — this is the only place where we can ask these sometimes esoteric questions. Great job and thanks. I am finding that rendering time is slower than I would like. If the benefit is not going to be substantive, it is not worth it.

The rig is primarily used for video editing using Powerdirector, and secondarily for photo work using Affinity, On1 and Topazlabs. Thanks so much for your thoughts and wisdom! Thanks for the appreciation and your kind words.

I think it is worth upgrading to RTX especially when its price is dropping. Ryzen 7 faster in video editing because of more cores 2. RAM is OK 4. Corsair VS should be enough 7. Many thanks for your help in advance. I would like to upgrade my display card which is able to support 4K H. Is GTX super good enough for this? CPU i7- X 6 core 2. However, they are decent enough for p 60FPS. However, you can still get decent amount of performance and can play most of the games at p high settings.

Video for now mainly fhd but probably near future i will start make 4k also…. Few choices i can have: 1. Especially for longer projects over 15 min?

Hello Akshat, I am very happy that I came across your article because I am in a process of upgrading my desktop computer and because you are fast to respond to any question posted here so thank you for that! I am looking to upgrade my years old desktop. Also I want to mention that my raw files from the camera are large in size, over 50MB each before any editing. Should I get the regular model for flexibility to reuse in the future or get the AMD specific? Any other suggestions on how to configure the storage?

Maybe stay with only Evo and save some money for later upgrade? Q 6 — Please suggest internal drive, at least 4TB, which is not too expensive to store pictures. Or should I get a Ti card? Main requirement is to have a good ventilation front panel should be a mesh with good fans behind it.

Any suggestions here? Ryzen 7 X comes with Wraith Prism Cooler which is a very good cooler and enough for this processor. So, I suggest to stick with it only and this way you can save some money too. Corsair RM W is an overkill for this system but do get this only because the price difference between w and W models is not much. For case, get a mid-tower one. My computer is an HP z Processor intel xeon r cpu E5 0 2. Hi Mr. Verma, Thank you so much for all the support and for sharing your master knowledge to me.

What will be the best option for my editing bay working with 4K footage and using primarily Premiere, AE, Photoshop, etc.? How about increasing the RAM to 64gb? I am very grateful and looking forward to hearing from a very competent expert like you. Best, Guenny. I think it would be better to upgrade to a new graphics card. Verma, Thank you so much for your quick response and input. I am very grateful. I think you are better off with the current processor as it is quite enough.

Thank you so much for your response and ongoing support. I want to clarify myself before making my final decision. I plan to update my macOS to Morave What would be your recommendation in terms of update graphic card? Please forgive me for keeping bothering you. Will it work for photoshop, video editing or i should stay away from rx? Could you please tell me which is the AMD card with minimum requirements for a smooth 4k video playback including Netflix 4K videos?!

Are 2GB enough? Good day Sir Akshat Verma. First of all Thank you so much in your articles. My son bought a PC.. My son do drawings wacom he do 4k video rendering and photo editing now a days using premier pro. GEForce GT 3. Can you enlighten us on what to do to? To address his existing hobbies.. I would suggest upgrading to a better CPU and graphics card.

Noted sir.. Thank you again for your time. Been reading and following your articles for quite sometime now. Thank you and keep up the good work. I purchased the card you recommended, however when editing 4k the playback in premiere pro is juddery? Hi Akshat, I am getting a gtx for basic p video editing in Davinci Resolve.

Is it enough? For Davinci Resolve, I think it is not enough. I suggest to go for RX 8GB as it will cost nearly the same. Hello Brother, I need your help.

My budget is 20k. Please suggest me best graphics card which i can use for at least 3 to 5 years. Waiting for you suggestion. Regards Sukurana. If you want to go with Intel then Core-i9 K is a great choice for both video editing and gaming. For motherboard, both are very good. Should I change the processor? I know these 2 was quite debatable choices. Thanks for the quick respond by the way. Well, if you can then going with the Ryzen 9 X is a better decision because Core iK cannot compete with it in terms of productivity or content creation.

Hello brother, okay one last question. Is it better than Ti or kinda similar? Ryzen 7 X is way ahead of Core i7 K in productivity tasks and content creation even in premiere pro. The only area in which Core i7 K is better is gaming and that too by a mediocre margin. Both of them support dual channel memory only and I would suggest to go for MHz only.

Sir few weeks now i message you here infact am so glad that you gave me solution options sir. Since i dont have any background when it comes to computer set up. And too many choices that i do not know how. Whats is the best 1 step ahead set up for HB?

Graphics card? What ryzen? AMD Ryzen 5 processor 3. Thank you so much sir. Now we know what to buy specifically… let you know so soon if we have the set-up already sir.. Which one is better? Already read it. It really helps! But as for yourself, is it worth it or is it necessary to overclocking for video editing especially 4k video res? What do you think personally? However, the new founders edition cards with dual fan open air cooler in the RTX 20 series are pretty good.

I wanted build pc for graphics designing, video editing, web site development and also for gaming. Is Rx will be wise choice? Can you suggest me a good configuration? Thank you for your help. However I have been able to find very little information about it online. Do you know of anyone using them?

Thanks for your response. So that is a yes, the Geforce RTX cards now support 10 bit with this update. Good news.

Hello, Akshat and everyone else! Thank you for your informative article! Will it work well with Cyberlink PowerDirector ? I am currently using this SW for full HD video x rendering of home movies but would like to get a card with the future in mind — i. Hello, first off great article. I recently upgraded to a Ryzen x on a Strix Xe board. I am using my old GTX video card. I am considering buying a new card as well.

My display is a Benq SW which as you probably know is true 10bit panel. I shoot in 10bit D-log. How much is your budget for the graphics card? Hello, Akshat! Thank you for this article! I am looking for a laptop that I can use with it Adobe cc especially illustrator, photoshop, premiere I also want the pc to be light thin.

Which graphic card and OS do you recommend. The issue is with GPU purchase. I can now spare limited amount for both these items. Editing in 4K is a basic requirement and also having a 4K monitor. But now I am having 2nd thoughts. My questions are — 1. Is Super a overkill for me!!

The Super will save me 10K atleast which I can partly use for the 4K display. What would be the best optimum combination considering Cost and also Performance. Ps, Sorry that I missed out on some more information.

My system is not overclocked and I have no intention to do so. How would the TU chipset in the Super be of superior utility in editing in comparision to the TU in the Super? Would it help in faster render or smoother experience?

For my desk size, 24inch would be ideal. Also, I think inch is too small for 4K and I would suggest you to go for inch or higher. I built my machine in to be a mid-level work station.

My needs have changed since retirement, and now I am more interested in 4K video editing than in work station apps. My hope is to end up at the entry level position of high end video editing capabilities. Would you please suggest a graphics card for each of those paths? I think you have a decent enough processor so stick with it for the moment.

These cards should be sufficient even if you plan to change the processor to Ryzen 9 X in the future. Thank you so much! LOTS easier and cheaper than building a brand new system! I am looking for a 27 inch or 32 inch IPS monitor for Video editing work. Delta E should be less than — 2 to 3. Dear Akshat, I am trying to build myself a computer to handle 4k 60 in adobe premiere, lightroom and photoshop, and perhaps by the end of the year, 8k video editing.

But I have difficulties choosing the graphics card. I am open to your suggestions. Many thanks! I suggest you to stick with Nvidia cards only especially for the Adobe products. Any idea what to do to get it working or do I have to buy a new card. If so which one, Thanks for a prompt reply. Uninstall the graphics card from the device manager and then reboot. Akshat I am fed up with this card, frankly I abandon. Lot of thanks! May be you should try running the card in other system of friend etc.

I use mostly Powerdirector and a slew of photo editing programs. Have a relatively new X with 32 GB memory, a fast M. Thanks for your thoughts, Steve. Graphics Cards. Related Posts. Akshat Verma October 8, Yes, GT is enough for it.

Akshat Verma January 1, Nemes Ioan Sorin January 5, Akshat Verma January 5, Nemes Ioan Sorin January 6, Mike January 9, Thanks in advance! Akshat Verma January 9, Peter P December 2, Deniz January 22, Hi, What about old radeon R9 ? Akshat Verma January 22, Ok tnx. Which is better radeon R9 or radeon rx?



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This technique has been adopted by the National Open University of Nigeria ; a most of the courses offered to students. You will here learn the content adobe audition cc lagging free this adobe audition cc lagging free course at a reasonable pace. You will need to master the language такую maya autodesk 2018 free могу use to describe the world around us. The language is simple, interesting and specific to the subject, chemistry.

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It assumes that you had taken a chemistry course before but probably you did not make the grade you desired. So you are re-taking the course with the aim of doing better. There is no doubt therefore that you are familiar with the language of chemistry.

Microsoft access 2013 form tutorial free this present course, you will be presented information in adobe audition cc lagging free in a structured way to make learning easier.

All the units follow the same pattern and so after the first few units, the rest will become easy to follow. The whole range of senior school certificate examination SSCE syllabus has been covered in this course. Learning Outcomes-Aims and Objectives The broad aims of this foundation chemistry course can be summarised thus. The course aims to provide you with chemistry content that will be sufficient for you to have the equivalent of the SSCE.

Thus you will have solid foundation in chemistry which will enable you go into an advanced science course needing a background of chemistry. The objectives of this course are set out below. On completion of the course, you should be able to: 1. Distinguish between chemistry adobe audition cc lagging free the other science adobe audition cc lagging free.

Discuss the role of chemistry in our every day living. Apply the language of chemistry in describing the world around you. Carry out simple chemical calculations. Identify chemical process in what goes on in your environment. Each study unit has a set of performance objectives along with other relevant learner guide. Introduction 33 6. Electron affinity 51 8. The kinetic theory and change of state 72 Graham's, Avogadro's and Gay Lussac's Laws Monitoring the rates of Chemical reactions ' 3.

Le chatelier's principle and pressure change 5. Le chatelier's principle and concentration change 5. Effect of catalyst on reversible reactions 5. Assignment of oxidation number 9. Objectives Definition and scope of organic chemistry 1. Uniqueness of carbon atom Representation of organic molecules 1. Classification of organic compounds 1. Open-chain or aliphatic compounds 1.

Many materials that we use everyday, перейти на страницу or indirectly are kostenlos word free microsoft office herunterladen 2010 of chemical research and examples of useful products of chemical reactions are limitless.

What then adobe audition cc lagging free matter? Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space. Matter is classified into solid, liquid and gas. Glass, sand and most metals are examples of solids.

Water and kerosene are examples of liquids. Air and cooking gas are examples of gases. The above classification is commonly referred to as physical classification. Matter can also be classified into elements, compounds and mixtures.

This latter classification is referred to as chemical classification. It is remarkable that all these substances, solids, liquids, gases, elements, compounds and mixtures are built up from simple basic units. What is the basic unit of matter? What are the building blocks of matter and what laws govern the interaction of matter? The above are some of the questions that will be answered in this unit.

A pure substance that can be broken down into elements is called a compound. There are over chemical elements. Some occur naturally as free elements, mixed with other elements or compounds. Some are very rare, while most occur in combined state in compounds. The table 1. Table 1. Examples of metals are copper and iron. The general characteristics of metals are lustre, good conductor of heat and electricity.

Metals can be rolled and hammered into sheets and drawn into wires. They are used for roofing and electrical cables respectively. All metals are solids at room temperature except mercury which adobe audition cc lagging free a liquid at room temperature. About 75 percent of the elements are metals. Unlike metals, non metals do not have characteristic lustre. Many are gases at room temperature and others are solids except bromine which is a red brown liquid at room adobe audition cc lagging free.

Non metals are non-conductors of heat and electricity. They cannot be rolled into sheets or drawn into wires like the metals. Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and iodine are examples of non metals. The properties of compounds are different from those of the elements from which they are formed. A lot of energy is often required to split compounds into the constituent elements. There are limitless number of compounds. Sodium chloride, adobe audition cc lagging free saltнажмите для продолжения and calcium trioxocarbonate ivmarble are examples of compounds.

The composition of a mixture varies and the components are separated by physical methods. Such physical methods include, heating, cooling, dissolution, filtration and distillation. Air and petroleum are examples of mixtures. For example both will rust when exposed to air and moisture and both will conduct heat and electricity. The atom is the smallest unit of an element that can take part in a chemical reaction. It is the smallest unit of the compound that can take part in a chemical reaction.

The atom is to the element as molecule is to the compound. The basic unit of matter in chemical reactions is the atom. Atoms and molecules are the building blocks of matter.

A theory serves as a guide to new experiments.

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